Wednesday 24 November 2010

Analysis of 'NME' magazine

This my analysis of a front cover, contents page and double page spread from the NME magazine company.

The ‘NME’ (new music express) magazine is a very popular music mag in all around the UK and was first published in 1992.
Language: On the front of the music magazine there is a close up shot of  two young males back to back and both looking into the camera this indicates that there looking straight towards the audience instantly grabbing there attention and making them feel involved. The reason behind the fact there stood back to back enhances the idea they’ve almost got each others back, they work together and stick by each in the music industry. They both look very similar and are both wearing black this reflects to there hair and eye colour behind the image is a white background automatically making the close up shot of the males stand out creating the eye catching effect. The colour layout is quite organised and isn’t a large number of colours consisted there is only red, black and white this is particularly effective as the colour red shows a sign of passion highlighting the passion for music. The reason for the two males ‘ALEX TURNER’ and ‘MILES KANE’ been the main close up shot is because they toured together in ‘Arctic monkeys’ which reflects to the masthead ‘NME’ there a more new band. You wouldn’t see a old singer as the main image for example ‘kylie minogue’ as it wouldn’t work well for the magazine. Two of the coverlines are in yellow font instantly making it stand out as the yellow colour is the only different colour on the cover separate from the red, black and white. Its almost as if there the most important lines on the magazine wanting the audience to read them first.
Institution: The NME music magazine is a very popular music magazine in the united kingdom and was the first ever to include a singles chart in the 1952 edition. The social class for the magazine I would say was working class people. Its the type of magazine both male and female would buy for the latest music updates. The magazine company want to be known as the type of genre of music they are representing on the front cover. You wouldn't really see
 the main image of a pop singer on the front of NME as this wouldn't represent the type of magazine the writer has aimed for.
Ideology: The social class for the magazine i would say was working class people. Its the type of magazine involving latest updates. NME magazine is an affordable magazine and if was to be compared with another magazine for example 'mixmag' they both represent a type of music genre but the 'mixmag' would be aimed are the more upper class as the printing paper used to make the magazine is a lot thicker and more high qualative there is also a lot more pages and advertisments.
Audience: The main audience for the NME magazine is aimed at the age 17-35 age range. It would best suit those who are most intersted in the type of music genre represented it is more indie/rock genre so the majority of the readers interested would be males but could also be females.
Representatives: The main image is represented my the two males from the 'Arctic monkeys' these artists have been chosen to reflect to the type of magazine genre. Also the other artists representing in the magazine have the same genre this is effective for the use as those interested in the magazine are going to be fans of indie/rock music genre so are going to want to read about more of those stars. If was also filled with pop artists the readers wouldnt be as intersted as they wouldnt read the whole of the magazine which would neglect those purchasing it.

Language: On the double page spread there is a long shot photograph on the left hand side page of 'florence welch' and on the right hand side page is an article about her covering all the last information about her. The background covering the whole two pages is a whitey grey colour also spreading across both pages is a headline 'USA' in a darker shade colour to the background almost giving of the message its combined and is supposed to be part of the background. This is so it doesn't take the attraction off the main image on the page. The long shot image of Florence is a very seductive posture. She is looking straight into the camera this is making eye contact with the viewers instantly drawing in there attention to the article. The image of her effectively stands out because of the background used, her hair colour is bright red drawing the attention straight to her top half of her body she is also wearing black this reflects to the seductive look with the combined colours of black and red. The colours red, black and white is the magazine house style as the three colours run through out the whole of the NME magazine.She is also sat on something looking like a table but is covered with a white sheet. Strips of bright red material is layered over the top of the sheet and are spilling out onto the floor this is effective as the colour red being seductive relates to the way her stance and posture is as well as reflecting back to the headline 'you got the love' the colour red reflects the romance and love.  The meaning of the headline 'you got the love' is effective as its the title of one of her tracks. The Headline is elegant font but with it been black it instantly makes it bold and stand out. The article font is also in black this is because its a more formal colour and is easier to read for the viewers. The layout colours consist of red, white/grey, and black which indicates the article belongs to NME as they constrict as a house colour throughout.
Ideology: The

Analysis of three contents page


The name of my magazine is going to be 'MPT' meaning 'mordern pop today' i have made this because to reflect to the type of my magazine it is a pop genre magazine so i choose this masthead to highlight this.

 -front cover.
For my music magazine front cover i have a particular idea i would like to use. For my main mid shot image im going to be taking a variety of images of my friend to model it for me. Im going to be making the image the main attraction on the page by placing the masthead at the top of the page behind the mid shot. Although the font of the masthead is going to be big,bold and eye catching to draw attention to the title of the magazine. My front page is going to be containing a range of small images of other rock singers and they will be placed at the bottom of the page.

-double page spread.
On my double page spread I am going to be positioning my head line on the right hand side page with some of it going onto the left hand page highlighting the idea of a double page spread. The whole of the left hand page is going to be a long shot image of my friend modelling and been the main purpose of the magazine. The article about my rock star Savannah is going to be on the left hand side with different posed images of her positioned around the article.


-contents page.
On my contents page down the left hand side will be a long box containing the headlines of the title pages along with the page numbers. At the top of the right hand side of the page will be placed a headline 'Contents'. Undernieth that will be three images of different stars (taken by me) with page number on them informing the audience that that page will be about the artist on the picture. Underneith the pictures will be a box containing the head line 'Dont miss out' with a box under that informing the audience whats going to be accuring that they shouldnt miss.


This is a quick scetch of my front cover.

This is my quick scetch of double page spread.

Analysis of 'VIBE' magazine

I am going to be analysing this music magazine using LIIAR.
L-On the front of this 'VIBE' music magazine the masthead and some of the coverlines are red emphasising danger implying to the gangster lifestyle, the big bold red text instantly attracts the audience. The colours on the magazine fit and work well together as they consist of only red, black and white making it look neat and tidy and instantly making the red stand out. The most important piece of texts is in the font colour of red alomost saying there the main bits were supposed to read first. Also one of the big red coverlines 'AIN'T NO SUCH THING AS A SECRET STITCH' this states that dealing with stitches is what a gangster does. The main image is a close up shot of a gangster man wearing a suit and a top hat implying to the audience he's in charge, the man has sort of a mean expression on his face reflecting back to the aim of the magazine.
I-The institution of the magazine is a commercial institute we know this as its a shop bought magazine also in the corner is a web link '' which encourages the readers to also visit the website were they will be able to buy more products relating to the magazine. Synergy is shown on the front cover as a famous person has been used to model it 'T.I' the company is using the famous to make profit but the famous is using the magazine to make profit.
I-The ideology of the magazine is based around r'n'b and hip-hop music style. This is implyed by the main image T.I as he is a big part in the r'n'b industary also shown through the famous artists mentioned in the coverlines '50 cent, Jay-Z and biggie etc.
A- The main aim audience is targeted to older teens to just under middle age (16-35) this is shown by the type of music been advertised its more modern and more suitable for the recent generation. The gender it targets is most likely to be male reflecting to the main image. The leyout and colours highlight this as the red with the black and white is more masculin. The social classifications it is targeted at D (working class people) it deosnt look like an expensive magazine and think it would be set at a resonable price.
R- The main image is a close up shot of a famous guy 'T.I' to show emotion from the cover artist. He is dressed smartly in a suit which we believe he will be wearing expence and he is worth expence from his career. This inspires the audience to want to buy the magazine to look up to the superstar and almost be a part of it.


outline of brief for music magazine

using the DTP and a image manipulation programme produce the front page, contents and double page spread of a new music magazine. All images and text used must be original and produced by you. Minimum of four images.

Friday 22 October 2010


This is my final beauty college magazine.


The task set was to design a college magazine front cover and a context page. To get me started I produced a short brief introduction using LIIAR to help me. I collected a range of different images of different female beauty models as I was going to be using one of them as my main medium close-up but having spoke to the tutor I was advised to remove the beauty models to a medium close-up of a college student as was asked. After taking a variety of pictures of a college student I then had to choose which one I wanted on my magazine. I thought having a bright pink background behind the image created good effect as the colour is a girlie colour which relates to the target audience (females). The target audience for my magazine is mainly aimed towards females who are interested on joining a beauty college aimed to the ages of older teenagers and maybe young women.
 I wanted to make my magazine simple so it was more eye catching and less cluttered. So I created the masthead big but simple I decided on the colour white for the font with a black stroke around the edge to make it automatically stand out. I did the same for the Copyline and the subheadings so that it all matched and looked neat. With them all having the same colour and font style I thought this was effective as the readers would assume to keep carrying on from the masthead which means there automatically getting it all in quickly and easily. I used Photoshop to create my magazine as I find it easy to use and can be very creative on it. My context page was not a full copy of one it was just a short draft of one which included the page numbers and what involved in each page I also designed this on Photoshop. For all of my planning and written work I used my blog to make it easy for the tutor to asses which also kept it organised and kept in one place.
I find through out making my college magazine everything worked well apart from the slight adjustment of the main medium close-up but was quickly put right to the way it should have been. 

Wednesday 20 October 2010


Here is my planning which will help me and guied me.

These are a range of images i wasn't going to decide from for my main background image for my magazine.


These are the range of images i have taken for my medium close-up for my magazine.

This is a quick draft of my front cover of my college magazine.


This is a quick brief of my context page.

Tuesday 19 October 2010

LIIAR interpretation of the brief

Language- The camera angle that I will be using will be a face shot of a range of different females as my magazine is aimed about beauty.The images i am going to be taking i will edit them to make them more attractive and effective.  The media language is based around camera angle, transitions, the narrative, sounding, and lighting.

Institution - The institution is the company that created the product. The company who created my magazine would be a beauty company for example boots.

Ideology-The ideology is the meaning and the purpose. The meaning for my beauty magazine is to inform the audience of the older teens to middle aged male/females what beauty/comestics products are best released.

Audience-The auidience is about the target audience and who it appeals to. The target audience for my magazine is aimed towards older teenagers and middle aged mainly female as females are the main atrraction to beauty. .

Representives-Representives is the way you present your product. What images you are going to be using, type of text,colour. My magazine is going to consist a range of beauty product images, medium close-up shots of a female with exotic make-up on. The reason for this is because comestics is the main highlight of my magazine.

Monday 18 October 2010

This is one of the magazines i am going to be analysing.
The beauty college magazine is the image of a medium close-up camera shot of a young looking female. The main aim is her face and she is making full eye contact towards the camera automatically drawing our attention. She is placing her face inbetween both hands indicating viewers her face is the main purpose of the magazine. The masthead is the magazine name written across the top of the females head. The font is is big and bold in the colour pink, the colour of the font reflects to the models make-up colour a natural looking pink this instantly creates effect and makes it easy to recognise. The main cover line is placed at the bottom of the magazine but in very large font 'FALLS FRESH FACE' the colour is white hovered over her pinky looking skin making it easily recognisable it also contrasts with the masthead so it instantly stands out and doesn't clash. The cover line is particularly effective to the audience as the word 'fresh' indicates to the models make-up. The make-up is very fresh, natural and pure looking.
The audiece for the magazine is mainly aimed towards female students who are interested in becoming make-up artists. We know this because of one of the small coverlines written on the side of the magazine 'quick and easy tips' this indicates to those interested there is help and its not hard.

This dance college magazine is very formal. We can see this by the format and layout of it, The masthead at the top of the mag is in big, bold white font on top of a black background instantly making it stand out and easy for viewers to recognise. The coverline right undernieth the masthead is also in white font but rather small although it still catches the audiences eye as with the white font been the same its almost as if the coverline and the masthead is one thing making the reader carry on reading. The coverline 'the world of dance at your fingertips' this is particularly effective to those interested as its almost saying there is something so big and important adn you have got it this is indicated by the word 'world' and 'fingertips'. The other pieces of text on the magazine are red and white font hencing the formal format. It is also easier for viewers to read as its not a whole range of different colours, the combination of the red and the black is making the mag not cluttered and gives it a neat and organised look.

Wednesday 6 October 2010

Outline of brief

I am going to be making a magazine cover for a beauty college and a context page.  I will be analysing two different college magazines writing up a small interpretation of my brief using LIIAR. I will be using a number of things to help me creat and plan my magazine.
  • research
  • text
  • photographs
By collecting a range of ideas, photographs and drafting out my ideas i will then be ready to complete my magazine and context page.
I will then write up a small evaluation with will involve:
  • whats worked well
  • what didn't work so well
  • what can be improved
  • how can it be improved