Tuesday 19 October 2010

LIIAR interpretation of the brief

Language- The camera angle that I will be using will be a face shot of a range of different females as my magazine is aimed about beauty.The images i am going to be taking i will edit them to make them more attractive and effective.  The media language is based around camera angle, transitions, the narrative, sounding, and lighting.

Institution - The institution is the company that created the product. The company who created my magazine would be a beauty company for example boots.

Ideology-The ideology is the meaning and the purpose. The meaning for my beauty magazine is to inform the audience of the older teens to middle aged male/females what beauty/comestics products are best released.

Audience-The auidience is about the target audience and who it appeals to. The target audience for my magazine is aimed towards older teenagers and middle aged mainly female as females are the main atrraction to beauty. .

Representives-Representives is the way you present your product. What images you are going to be using, type of text,colour. My magazine is going to consist a range of beauty product images, medium close-up shots of a female with exotic make-up on. The reason for this is because comestics is the main highlight of my magazine.

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