Friday 22 October 2010


The task set was to design a college magazine front cover and a context page. To get me started I produced a short brief introduction using LIIAR to help me. I collected a range of different images of different female beauty models as I was going to be using one of them as my main medium close-up but having spoke to the tutor I was advised to remove the beauty models to a medium close-up of a college student as was asked. After taking a variety of pictures of a college student I then had to choose which one I wanted on my magazine. I thought having a bright pink background behind the image created good effect as the colour is a girlie colour which relates to the target audience (females). The target audience for my magazine is mainly aimed towards females who are interested on joining a beauty college aimed to the ages of older teenagers and maybe young women.
 I wanted to make my magazine simple so it was more eye catching and less cluttered. So I created the masthead big but simple I decided on the colour white for the font with a black stroke around the edge to make it automatically stand out. I did the same for the Copyline and the subheadings so that it all matched and looked neat. With them all having the same colour and font style I thought this was effective as the readers would assume to keep carrying on from the masthead which means there automatically getting it all in quickly and easily. I used Photoshop to create my magazine as I find it easy to use and can be very creative on it. My context page was not a full copy of one it was just a short draft of one which included the page numbers and what involved in each page I also designed this on Photoshop. For all of my planning and written work I used my blog to make it easy for the tutor to asses which also kept it organised and kept in one place.
I find through out making my college magazine everything worked well apart from the slight adjustment of the main medium close-up but was quickly put right to the way it should have been. 

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