Monday 18 October 2010

This is one of the magazines i am going to be analysing.
The beauty college magazine is the image of a medium close-up camera shot of a young looking female. The main aim is her face and she is making full eye contact towards the camera automatically drawing our attention. She is placing her face inbetween both hands indicating viewers her face is the main purpose of the magazine. The masthead is the magazine name written across the top of the females head. The font is is big and bold in the colour pink, the colour of the font reflects to the models make-up colour a natural looking pink this instantly creates effect and makes it easy to recognise. The main cover line is placed at the bottom of the magazine but in very large font 'FALLS FRESH FACE' the colour is white hovered over her pinky looking skin making it easily recognisable it also contrasts with the masthead so it instantly stands out and doesn't clash. The cover line is particularly effective to the audience as the word 'fresh' indicates to the models make-up. The make-up is very fresh, natural and pure looking.
The audiece for the magazine is mainly aimed towards female students who are interested in becoming make-up artists. We know this because of one of the small coverlines written on the side of the magazine 'quick and easy tips' this indicates to those interested there is help and its not hard.

This dance college magazine is very formal. We can see this by the format and layout of it, The masthead at the top of the mag is in big, bold white font on top of a black background instantly making it stand out and easy for viewers to recognise. The coverline right undernieth the masthead is also in white font but rather small although it still catches the audiences eye as with the white font been the same its almost as if the coverline and the masthead is one thing making the reader carry on reading. The coverline 'the world of dance at your fingertips' this is particularly effective to those interested as its almost saying there is something so big and important adn you have got it this is indicated by the word 'world' and 'fingertips'. The other pieces of text on the magazine are red and white font hencing the formal format. It is also easier for viewers to read as its not a whole range of different colours, the combination of the red and the black is making the mag not cluttered and gives it a neat and organised look.

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