Wednesday 24 November 2010


The name of my magazine is going to be 'MPT' meaning 'mordern pop today' i have made this because to reflect to the type of my magazine it is a pop genre magazine so i choose this masthead to highlight this.

 -front cover.
For my music magazine front cover i have a particular idea i would like to use. For my main mid shot image im going to be taking a variety of images of my friend to model it for me. Im going to be making the image the main attraction on the page by placing the masthead at the top of the page behind the mid shot. Although the font of the masthead is going to be big,bold and eye catching to draw attention to the title of the magazine. My front page is going to be containing a range of small images of other rock singers and they will be placed at the bottom of the page.

-double page spread.
On my double page spread I am going to be positioning my head line on the right hand side page with some of it going onto the left hand page highlighting the idea of a double page spread. The whole of the left hand page is going to be a long shot image of my friend modelling and been the main purpose of the magazine. The article about my rock star Savannah is going to be on the left hand side with different posed images of her positioned around the article.


-contents page.
On my contents page down the left hand side will be a long box containing the headlines of the title pages along with the page numbers. At the top of the right hand side of the page will be placed a headline 'Contents'. Undernieth that will be three images of different stars (taken by me) with page number on them informing the audience that that page will be about the artist on the picture. Underneith the pictures will be a box containing the head line 'Dont miss out' with a box under that informing the audience whats going to be accuring that they shouldnt miss.


This is a quick scetch of my front cover.

This is my quick scetch of double page spread.

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