Wednesday 24 November 2010

Analysis of 'VIBE' magazine

I am going to be analysing this music magazine using LIIAR.
L-On the front of this 'VIBE' music magazine the masthead and some of the coverlines are red emphasising danger implying to the gangster lifestyle, the big bold red text instantly attracts the audience. The colours on the magazine fit and work well together as they consist of only red, black and white making it look neat and tidy and instantly making the red stand out. The most important piece of texts is in the font colour of red alomost saying there the main bits were supposed to read first. Also one of the big red coverlines 'AIN'T NO SUCH THING AS A SECRET STITCH' this states that dealing with stitches is what a gangster does. The main image is a close up shot of a gangster man wearing a suit and a top hat implying to the audience he's in charge, the man has sort of a mean expression on his face reflecting back to the aim of the magazine.
I-The institution of the magazine is a commercial institute we know this as its a shop bought magazine also in the corner is a web link '' which encourages the readers to also visit the website were they will be able to buy more products relating to the magazine. Synergy is shown on the front cover as a famous person has been used to model it 'T.I' the company is using the famous to make profit but the famous is using the magazine to make profit.
I-The ideology of the magazine is based around r'n'b and hip-hop music style. This is implyed by the main image T.I as he is a big part in the r'n'b industary also shown through the famous artists mentioned in the coverlines '50 cent, Jay-Z and biggie etc.
A- The main aim audience is targeted to older teens to just under middle age (16-35) this is shown by the type of music been advertised its more modern and more suitable for the recent generation. The gender it targets is most likely to be male reflecting to the main image. The leyout and colours highlight this as the red with the black and white is more masculin. The social classifications it is targeted at D (working class people) it deosnt look like an expensive magazine and think it would be set at a resonable price.
R- The main image is a close up shot of a famous guy 'T.I' to show emotion from the cover artist. He is dressed smartly in a suit which we believe he will be wearing expence and he is worth expence from his career. This inspires the audience to want to buy the magazine to look up to the superstar and almost be a part of it.


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