Friday 22 October 2010


This is my final beauty college magazine.


The task set was to design a college magazine front cover and a context page. To get me started I produced a short brief introduction using LIIAR to help me. I collected a range of different images of different female beauty models as I was going to be using one of them as my main medium close-up but having spoke to the tutor I was advised to remove the beauty models to a medium close-up of a college student as was asked. After taking a variety of pictures of a college student I then had to choose which one I wanted on my magazine. I thought having a bright pink background behind the image created good effect as the colour is a girlie colour which relates to the target audience (females). The target audience for my magazine is mainly aimed towards females who are interested on joining a beauty college aimed to the ages of older teenagers and maybe young women.
 I wanted to make my magazine simple so it was more eye catching and less cluttered. So I created the masthead big but simple I decided on the colour white for the font with a black stroke around the edge to make it automatically stand out. I did the same for the Copyline and the subheadings so that it all matched and looked neat. With them all having the same colour and font style I thought this was effective as the readers would assume to keep carrying on from the masthead which means there automatically getting it all in quickly and easily. I used Photoshop to create my magazine as I find it easy to use and can be very creative on it. My context page was not a full copy of one it was just a short draft of one which included the page numbers and what involved in each page I also designed this on Photoshop. For all of my planning and written work I used my blog to make it easy for the tutor to asses which also kept it organised and kept in one place.
I find through out making my college magazine everything worked well apart from the slight adjustment of the main medium close-up but was quickly put right to the way it should have been. 

Wednesday 20 October 2010


Here is my planning which will help me and guied me.

These are a range of images i wasn't going to decide from for my main background image for my magazine.


These are the range of images i have taken for my medium close-up for my magazine.

This is a quick draft of my front cover of my college magazine.


This is a quick brief of my context page.

Tuesday 19 October 2010

LIIAR interpretation of the brief

Language- The camera angle that I will be using will be a face shot of a range of different females as my magazine is aimed about beauty.The images i am going to be taking i will edit them to make them more attractive and effective.  The media language is based around camera angle, transitions, the narrative, sounding, and lighting.

Institution - The institution is the company that created the product. The company who created my magazine would be a beauty company for example boots.

Ideology-The ideology is the meaning and the purpose. The meaning for my beauty magazine is to inform the audience of the older teens to middle aged male/females what beauty/comestics products are best released.

Audience-The auidience is about the target audience and who it appeals to. The target audience for my magazine is aimed towards older teenagers and middle aged mainly female as females are the main atrraction to beauty. .

Representives-Representives is the way you present your product. What images you are going to be using, type of text,colour. My magazine is going to consist a range of beauty product images, medium close-up shots of a female with exotic make-up on. The reason for this is because comestics is the main highlight of my magazine.

Monday 18 October 2010

This is one of the magazines i am going to be analysing.
The beauty college magazine is the image of a medium close-up camera shot of a young looking female. The main aim is her face and she is making full eye contact towards the camera automatically drawing our attention. She is placing her face inbetween both hands indicating viewers her face is the main purpose of the magazine. The masthead is the magazine name written across the top of the females head. The font is is big and bold in the colour pink, the colour of the font reflects to the models make-up colour a natural looking pink this instantly creates effect and makes it easy to recognise. The main cover line is placed at the bottom of the magazine but in very large font 'FALLS FRESH FACE' the colour is white hovered over her pinky looking skin making it easily recognisable it also contrasts with the masthead so it instantly stands out and doesn't clash. The cover line is particularly effective to the audience as the word 'fresh' indicates to the models make-up. The make-up is very fresh, natural and pure looking.
The audiece for the magazine is mainly aimed towards female students who are interested in becoming make-up artists. We know this because of one of the small coverlines written on the side of the magazine 'quick and easy tips' this indicates to those interested there is help and its not hard.

This dance college magazine is very formal. We can see this by the format and layout of it, The masthead at the top of the mag is in big, bold white font on top of a black background instantly making it stand out and easy for viewers to recognise. The coverline right undernieth the masthead is also in white font but rather small although it still catches the audiences eye as with the white font been the same its almost as if the coverline and the masthead is one thing making the reader carry on reading. The coverline 'the world of dance at your fingertips' this is particularly effective to those interested as its almost saying there is something so big and important adn you have got it this is indicated by the word 'world' and 'fingertips'. The other pieces of text on the magazine are red and white font hencing the formal format. It is also easier for viewers to read as its not a whole range of different colours, the combination of the red and the black is making the mag not cluttered and gives it a neat and organised look.

Wednesday 6 October 2010

Outline of brief

I am going to be making a magazine cover for a beauty college and a context page.  I will be analysing two different college magazines writing up a small interpretation of my brief using LIIAR. I will be using a number of things to help me creat and plan my magazine.
  • research
  • text
  • photographs
By collecting a range of ideas, photographs and drafting out my ideas i will then be ready to complete my magazine and context page.
I will then write up a small evaluation with will involve:
  • whats worked well
  • what didn't work so well
  • what can be improved
  • how can it be improved